Frequently Asked Questions about VETport.


Common questions about VETport

  • Do I need to provide my credit card details for trial of VETport?

    No. You will not be asked to provide the credit card details while signing up for the free trial. You can use VETport for 15 days without paying anything. Only after your free trial period of 15 days is over, you shall be asked for your credit card / payment details. During the FREE trial period you will not be able to integrate additional 3rd party softwares with your VETport account. You may start your paid subscription to enjoy the integration service.

  • Is it true that the technical support is free of cost?

    Yes. It is true. We provide free technical support to all our customers. You will never be charged for technical support.

  • Where can I find the Terms & Conditions of VETport

    You can visit Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

  • How do I add extra features that my clinic needs to my account ?

    We always believe to give better features free of cost. But if your clinic has unique customization requirements, we can do the same for you. But, unique customization will be charged as per the customization requirement.

  • What does the 'Free Installation' mean ?

    Free installation means that you will not be charged for creating your PMS account in VETport. However, if you want to integrate Labs or 3rd party software, then there may be charges depending upon the Lab/Software vendor. Check our integration page for pricing of additional integrations.

  • What will happen after my free trial ends?

    You shall receive an email 5 days prior to the end of your free trial asking for payment details. If you do not pay before the 30th day of free trial, your account shall be freezed. You will not be able to access your account until you pay for your subscription.

  • Will I lose all my data stored in VETport account in case I fail to pay?

    No. Your data will still be there in our servers for next 15 days.. Once you make the due payments you may resume your service. No data will be lost during the process.

  • How to log in to my VETport account?

    During registration you are asked to choose your custom VETport account URL. You can browse that custom URL/Link anytime to access / log in to you VETport account. If your animal clinic’s name is 'XYZ pet clinic' then, you may choose to have as the URL/Link to your vetport account. Any number of veterinarians or staff can log in to the application by browsing the same URL. Don’t forget to bookmark the URL for easy access.

  • What is the meaning of time zone independent?

    A lot of issues arise when there are multiple clinics working in different time zones. For example, there are a lot of collaboration work that happen within the PMS. Suppose there are two clinics from 2 different time zones working on a single Electronic Medical Record (EMR) simultaneously, then their time logs can mess up the entire EMR. Hence, it is advisable to work with a time zone independent PMS software like VETport to avoid hassles. VETport takes care of automatic handling of daylight savings which is a unique feature that no other PMS has.

  • On which device can I access my vetport account?

    VETport is cloud based software. So, you can access it from any device(Desktop, Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet) & any location.

  • How do I send emails to clients from my VETport account?

    During the initial set-up you have to enter your clinic’s email address from which all emails will be sent to your clients. After the initial setup, you can send emails to your clients anytime by clicking on email icon on dashboard. You can send Automatic Reminders to the clients & suppliers by just setting up the triggers on the items for which you wish to send reminders (Appointments, Plan Items). Also you can have your own send address, reply back and copy for better communications.

  • How do I send SMS to clients from my VETport account?

    Sending SMS is an addon service provided by VETport. You have to install VetSMS application from VETport marketplace for sending text messages to your clients. This service chargeable at the rate 4 cents/SMS. The service starts from 30 dollars.

  • What is internal chat & bulletin board ?

    Internal chat is an communication platform exclusively made for internal communications of your clinic. It is just like any other instant messaging services like whatsapp, Facebook messenger, Google Hangout or Slack. It operates from inside of the VETport application. The Bulletin board is a similar tool to send public messages to all the staff of the VETport. The communication becomes very easy with the combination of Internal Chat & Bulletin Board. The service is free of cost and comes preloaded with first installation of VETport application.

  • How do I activate the Online Appointment Booking Feature for my clients ?

    Online booking is a premium service offered by VETport. With online booking feature, your clients can book appointments from their mobiles without even calling to your clinic. For enabling this service, you have to install the Online Booking application into your VETport account. This service is chargeable at $49/month.

  • What is VETport Marketplace?

    VETport is just like Google Play Store or Apple App Store which houses several 3rd party applications to be installed into your VETport account. You can install Labs, Payment Gateways, SMS service, Online Booking & other add on features to your account very easily. Most of the applications are FREE of cost inside VETport marketplace.

  • What is 'Free Automatic Updates'?

    The updation of the VETport application happens every week. The updates are installed into the application to make it feature rich & more user friendly. VETport doesn’t charge anything for updation of the application. These updates are installed in the application during the off hours of the clinic & makes sure that there is no interruption of service.

  • How do I install Self Check In Kiosk in my clinic?

    Kiosk Module is basically used for front desk user to manage walk-in patients . Users can operate it from ipad, iphone or a desktop. Patient could be already registered or new. All you have to do is place a device (Desktop / Laptop / Ipad) on the front desk & open the Kiosk module in the browser.

  • Is there a minimum contract we need to sign?

    There is no need to sign any minimum contract with VETport. VETport charges it’s customer on monthly basis. All the plans of VETport are of monthly basis. There is no option for Annual Subscription or long term contract.

  • Who is the maker of VETport software?

    VETport was created & is maintained by Sygina Data Systems Pvt. Ltd.

  • What are the minimum requirements for the browser to use the software?

    VETport works best with Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Please make sure you have any of these browsers setup on your PC / Laptop / Tablet / Phone. The latest version of each of these software are recommended to use the software.

  • Does the software require the use of Flash, Java, or other plugins to work?

    No additional plugins are required for using VETport. Only browser is sufficient for using VETport.

  • If we sign up, is there some form of training or onloading available to our company?

    Yes. Initial setup instructions & onboarding documents will be sent to you when you sign up for the software. If you wish to opt for telephone training for your clinic, then that will be chargeable as per the clinic’s training requirements.

  • How much do you charge for initial training of the software?

    The training cost will depend upon the number of hours our executive will spend in training your staff. Our basic price is $599 for 6 hours of telephonic training. There will be additional charges for on site training & extra hours of training. Please contact us to get a quote on the same.

  • How are the technical support issues handled?

    Our support team is available Monday - Saturday from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm EST by phone, email and chat. If any issues arise, our technical support team tries to resolve the issue within 3 working days.

  • Are any features unique to your company?

    VETport offers a variety of unique features that sets us apart from our competitors. VETport is the most affordable PMS software in the world. Our software is timezone independent and hence clinics from multiple time zones can simultaneously work & collaborate on a single PMS account. VETport’s calendar synchronizes with Google Calendar & Apple Calendar. We offer customizable templates for EMRs, exam forms, emails. We allow an unlimited number of staff (receptionists, assistants, etc.) to access the VETport PMS account of a particular clinic. Our internal chat & bulletin board is a unique feature that no other PMS vendor provides. We also provide free & unlimited support to all clients.

  • Why cloud based softwares are better than server based?

    Cloud based software can be accessed by a thin client like web browser. Cloud based software requires zero hardware investment. Cloud based software has zero maintenance cost. All these advantages make the cloud based software better than server based ones.

  • How do I integrate Labs & other 3rd party softwares with my VETport account?

    Integrating the Labs and other softwares is very easy in VETport. Once you log in to your VETport account, visit ‘Marketplace’ under Setup menu. In Marketplace, you can see the list of labs & softwares that can be integrated with your VETport account. Select your preferred item and then click integrate. After this step is over, you shall see the integrated software inside the menu. For example, if you have integrates Idexx lab, then it will show inside the Labs & Reports menu.

  • I am using a different PMS now. How will I migrate to VETport?

    We provide migration & data conversion support for clients wanting to switch from another PMS to VETport. This service is chargable. The charge will depend upon the amount of data in your previous PMS, the type of data, etc. Ask for quotation now if you wish to switch from another PMS to VETport.

  • Which countries are under VETport's service areas?

    VETport is a global player in the veterinary PMS industry. VETport's services are available all over the world and can be accessed by veterinarians of any country. Our current client base is also from all over the world. No matter which country you are from, you will enjoy the same service from VETport.

  • Can vetport be used in other currencies than dollars?

    Yes. VETport can be used in multiple currencies. Almost all major currencies in the world are supported by VETport.

  • Ok. I am Happy. I can't wait to try VETport. How do I start FREE trial?

    Go to our home page On the top of the page enter your email address & click 'Get Started'. Follow the further steps. This process takes only 2 minutes. You will receive the Login details of your VETport account right after you finish the steps. After you receive the details, Log in to the application & enjoy world’s best veterinary PMS software.