SOAP format of Electronic Health Records (EMRs) for Veterinary Practices
An EMR or EHR contains wide variety of information like treatment history, medical records, Patient Progress etc. SOAP finds its usage in recording Patient Progress. SOAP or SOAP notes as they are widely called also find extensive usage in Veterinary practices...
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How veterinary clinics can go big in 2019?
Veterinaries have still a long way to go. It is time for the practice owners to wrap up 2018, do a retrospective and plan for 2019 to embrace the same with open arms and go big. Here is a list of our recommendation to the veterinaries...
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Veterinarians’ New Year resolutions - Baby Steps for better Veterinary Practice Management
2018 has been a great year for the veterinary community. A lot has changed and has changed for the better. The patient experience is at an all time high and patients are at their happiest self. We take this chance and opportunity to wish the whole community a very happy new year 2019.
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Inventory Management for Veterinary Clinics
Inventory in plane and simple terms is the term given to the goods and materials that a business holds for sale to customer in near future. In general business also, inventory is one of the most expensive assets and if not managed properly, business is set to lose.
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Managing Multiple Veterinary Clinics with Practice Management Software
Practice management software (PMS) has become quite the buzzword among veterinarians seeking ways to improve and grow their practice. Such a software built on the cloud can be a lifesaver for multi- clinic chains and veterinary hospitals located across a city, region, state, country, or even the globe...
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How Veterinarians Can Leverage Business Analytics
You’ve probably heard your ‘techie’ buddy or clients talk extensively about business analytics, business intelligence, and data analytics. Unless you’re a veterinarian born with a natural flair for numbers, these would never be your cup of tea. The two subjects ...
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Online Booking of Appointment: Best practices for Veterinary Clinics
If you are someone who has been into veterinary practice for years, you must have been approached by online appointment booking solutions companies. And, if you are one of those VETs who have ignored the online appointments in the past, then this article is for you...
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8 Reasons to Send Postcards to the Clients of Your Veterinary Clinic
World’s first postcard was sent in the year 1840. And, since then postcard has grown to become a mainstream channel of communication. Throughout the 20th century, postcard stayed as the most popular and reliable among all the mediums of communication...
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How changing technology is helping Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Practice
Technological advancements have helped improve the quality of not just human life but also that of the animals dear to them. The field of veterinary medicine has witnessed transformations in leaps and bounds, enabling veterinary practitioners to make faster diagnoses...
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How Veterinary Practice Management Software Helps Market Your Clinic and Increase Revenues
A veterinary practice management software (PMS) helps veterinarians with many different functions relating to their practice. In addition to streamlining and enabling smooth operations, such solutions also help keep track of your clinic’s performance, reach out to potential clients, and improve customer loyalty...
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Why VETport is the best veterinary software in the world today
VETport a No Brainer for a New Start Up Veterinary Practice No real Capital Costs to bear wrt software / server On the Cloud so no complicated IT to manage – Just plug into the Internet Differentiator that will give you the edge – big focus on caring communications Low Cost and affordable monthly Fee...
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Why Users Start their New Hospitals with VETport?
Ans: VETport – is a Sound Foundation for the Veterinary Hospital: A veterinary practice starting up could be a small home service, mobile practice, small to large brick and mortar practice that could be focused on general medicine or could be a specialist practice or then a practice wanting to grow to into a chain of hospitals...
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What you may not have learnt at a veterinary school?
At the veterinary school, while the Vet gains vital knowledge on the treatment of animals, the true success of their Vet practice, will also depend on the efficient management of the practice, and caring communications with the Pet owners...
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As a MAC user, access Veterinary Information with ease and comfort.
Using a web based practice management system ensures that you have access to the vital medical information all the time, from anywhere, right from the comfort of your home. Now even more if you are a MAC user...
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The Veterinary Practice Manager's support system
In a veterinary practice, the job of a practice manager is quite challenging. It is the most effective and least stressed managers who are able to delegate work well. Governance aided through rightly designed technology is the only means for them to excel in what they do...
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Importance of a Vet’s practice giving access to the medical records to Pet Owners
Web access for your client's pet’s medical record leads to Improved pet care. It can come very handy in times of emergencies and increases convenience. The veterinarian needs to connect with the patient and the pet’s owner to develop a healthy relationship...
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Multitasking in a Veterinary Practice and the role of PMS
Running a successful veterinary practice can be quite challenging; the absence of professional management and a skilled staff can totally disrupt the everyday functioning of a veterinary practice. Needless to say, multitasking in one of the mandatory skills required to manage a flourishing veterinary practice...
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Benefits on hosting online patient’s medical records using an EMR driven Veterinary Practice Management Software
Using online Veterinary software at the Vet Clinic helps connect the Veterinarian and the Pet Owners seamlessly. In addition the data that is created, managed and maintained as a result when the pet visits the hospital, is recorded in the Veterinary Patient Medical Record...
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Finding the right Veterinary Software when Starting a New Veterinary Practice
With technology advancing at breakneck speed, you are all set to witness a revolution in virtually every field. One such field that is witnessing a change is the veterinary sector, where software solutions for vets to manage their practice is under going a major technology shift. There are many important activities that are managed by veterinary software. Some of them include client and patient management life cycle management...
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Redundancy, backup, hosting options, high availability
This documents objective is to answer questions about redundancy, backup, hosting options, high availability, security, migration of data and our commitment to data availability. VETport although cloud based is completely capable of running locally (your private cloud), and serving to the intranet and internet from the local site...
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