One Simple Way to Find the Clients You are on the Verge of Losing
How to find your lapsing clients and bring them back to your vet practice
02 January 2020

One Simple Way to Find the Clients You are on the Verge of Losing

And 2 Ways to Bring Them Back to Your Vet Practice

We’ve discussed why client retention matters in this article.

Although almost all the practice owners know the importance of client retention, most of them get stuck in actually implementing a process to prevent their clients from leaving. We've seen there are 2 key hurdles: The first is identifying the clients who, you are on the verge of leaving. The second is building a simple and scalable process to get them back using the existing resources.

In this post, we’re going to inform you one simple way to find the clients who are on the verge of leaving you. We've seen most of the practice owners don't have this data. So we'll show you a simple way to find them. Once we've identified the clients list, we'll show you 2 simple step-by-step ways to bring them back.

Note: Although we've shown these steps with the example of how it looks in VETport but you can find similar steps even if you are using any other software for managing your vet practice.

Let’s first filter those clients on the fence.

Go to Statistics and Reports > Marketing Dashboard

navigation to client retention

Now apply the following filter:

How to find your lapsing clients and bring them back to your vet practice

This filter basically shows those clients who visited your practice in 2018, and then didn't show up after that. (Since we're filtering them in January 2020, we've chosen those clients who did not visit us in the last 12-13 months. You can extend this for the last 18 months too.)

You risk losing these clients if you don’t communicate with them.

So now let us see how to get them back:

Now you can send them an email directly from the VETport.

Click send email: (see image)

send email to lapsing clients through VETport

Now it is important that you send them a custom message with an incentive to come back.

Something like this:


It had been a long time you since you visited our clinic.

So we would like to know if your pet is fine.

We have an exclusive discount of 10% for you.

Next time you visit out practice, you can use this discount code: XVTYBNN10.


ABC Vet Clinic

If you would like to try VETport, you can sign up for a risk-free trial here to see it in action.

Since it is possible that they don’t open your email, it works best if you combine this with SMS or postcard.

We’ve seen that postcards are the best when it comes to open and response rates. Not everyone is using postcards, so it is less crowded and gets peoples’ attention.

In fact, direct mail campaign also runs laps around any other channel including emails, social media, display ads, even if you combined the response rates of all of them.

For VETport users, we already have theme based templates you can use from.

See the postcards templates here.

To send postcards, just download a CSV of this file by clicking "DOWNLOAD CSV".

send postcard to lapsing clients through VETport

...And reach us at with the subject line: “postcards for clients, ” and your chosen template.

Our team handles the end-to-end process from designing the postcards to sending it to pet parents and tracking the delivery.

See what our customers have to say:

Suddenly we were not able to reach our clients via emails, the only medium we were using at that time. Our emails were going to spam. Making so many calls didn't make sense. It was then that we tried the postcard. Not only we found a medium to reach our regular clients, some clients turned up after a gap of 2-3 years.
Having Vetport take care of our reminder postcard mailings has simplified our reminder system. We no longer have to take the time to have employees print reports and mail postcards. I would recommend this service to other clinics.

Dr. Maggie Wilson

Knoxville Veterinary Clinic

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1. One simple way to find the clients who, you are on the verge of losing...(And 2 ways to bring them back to your vet practice)

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5. 8 Reasons to Send Postcards to the Clients of Your Veterinary Clinic

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